Why I'm Running
I have devoted my life to serving our community’s kids. For the past few years, I’ve felt that the UA Schools leadership has failed our kids and that the UA School Board has failed to lead and provide the oversight of the School Superintendent and School Administration. The School Board and Administration have taken their eye off the ball (academic excellence). We’ve also seen a Board that allows seemingly preordained decisions to be made opaquely with many parents feeling left out of the process. Worst of all, we now have a school system that was once the envy of districts around the state and nation that is showing signs of academic decline.
Sure, we can look with pride at the gleaming new buildings that have been erected and the school board incumbents will surely be quick to promote themselves in hard hats and ribbon cutting photos in front of those towering edifices… but those are just concrete and bricks. It is the kids inside the buildings that I will focus on and their academic results that will be the measurement.
As a school board member, I promise to make these my guiding principles.
Restore our schools’ focus on academic excellence
For several generations Upper Arlington Schools have been ranked near the top of districts in Central Ohio and the state. This has prepared our graduates for success at the next level and helped propel property values by making our real estate highly desirable. Recent data shows our schools decreasing test scores and rankings. Fixing this needs to be the number one priority for the Board and administrators.
Provide responsible fiscal management of our school budget
As a business owner, I am very familiar with maintaining a budget. I will ask questions of our Administration that others haven’t asked. I promise to provide strict oversight of our school finances and hold our Administration accountable for every dollar.
Increase transparency and accountability for the School Board and Administration
Decisions made in the dark, policies poorly communicated, frustrated parents whose voices aren’t heard, and a Board that seems to always vote unanimously and in lock step with the desires of the Superintendent haven’t worked for our kids’ education over the past few years. As a member of the School Board, I will be your voice for transparency and accountability for the Board and the Administration.
I welcome your ideas and input about what you feel are the most important issues for the future of our schools.
Please contact me at [email protected]

Paid for by Lou Sauter for School Board, Chris Reinke, Treasurer | 1616 Tremont Rd UA 43212